It has been a great week out here in Casper! September 11th sure brought us a nice surprise from Winter! Around 6:30 A.M it was like misting outside and it was really cold! And then it quickly turned to sleet, and then of course SNOW. It was RIDICULOUS! Snow cannot be flying this early in the season. The ground was pretty hot from the summer season so it didn't start sticking until about 5 or 6. But it snowed ALL DAY LONG! It was crazy! If it was winter time we at least would have gotten a foot of snow! It was crazy! But now it is back to good temperatures! So we still get to see a nice transition into fall (at least we hope so
) But this week was a pretty awesome week! We are working with Janessa and she made the personal goal of being done with smoking by last Sunday. We are going to follow up with her tonight about how it's going. Her baptism is on Saturday the 20th so we hope she can make it! Her boyfriend Justin is still here and wont be leaving until Thursday. We love Justin don't get me wrong, but she does need to be living the Law of Chastity to its fullest. But were hoping and praying she gets baptized this Saturday. I guess you will have to wait and see what happens next Monday. I am sorry to leave you all in suspense. If it makes you feel any better I will be in suspense for most the week too! Monty was supposed to be baptized this week, but we pushed him back to October 18th! He told us he wasn't going to be able to make it any way because he will be working this whole weekend, and he still needs to be living certain commandments before baptism. But we are pretty confident he will make that Date! We have been working with Ronald lately the less active. We have really been going over there a lot to help him prepare for the temple. When I first got to this area we thought it was impossible to ever get him to come to Church. And now he is coming pretty regularly, and he is preparing to enter the temple. This last Sunday he even set up a time where he could talk to Bishop Gallup about going to the temple. The Lord has really been blessing us! Even if he did send snow this week I am confident that he loves us and he supports the work that we are doing! Well I love you all and I hope you have a great week!
Love, Elder Barber
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