An exciting time to be a missionary. 3-14-14
Dear family and friends,
This has been a great week out here in the Casper 5th ward! We got to teach Jeremy yesterday and he is still looking solid for May 3rd! It really seems like he loves the Gallup family and he loves his missionaries as well. Yesterday in Church we got re-inrtoduced to a lady named Cynthia who is a member, but her fiancee isn't. The exciting part is he wants to take missionary discussions, and get baptized! So we have another part member family that we will be working with! The Lord really is pouring out his blessings on us here in Casper! We got in to teach Hailey for the first time in a few months, and that lesson went good. This week I had agreat time interviewing the Arndt family for their baptism. One of my favorite things to do is the baptismal interviews. They're always very spiritual meetings, and the spirit is always present. The baptism was very spiritual! My testimony of the hastening of the work has grown a lot this week!
Today when I checked my emails I got an email from Elder Winger (the Elder who replaced me in Devils Lake). He shared with me the pictures of Tanner and Deanna at their baptism. I can still remember the very cold night we tracted into them. It is so rewarding to me as a missionary to see the fruits and blessings of my labors. Just seeing their picture today grew my testimony. We can all change peoples lives for time and all eternity. We just need to simply act. I think back 5 months ago Tanner and Deanna had never heard the Gospel before. And now they are probably waiting out the year to be sealed for all time and eternity. I have a testimony of this gospel that it is true. That the Savior is preparing people all across the World to receive his truth. We all can make the difference. I love you all, and I am thankful for your prayers! I hope you all enjoy this Easter Sunday. I would invite you all to share the message "because of him" on Facebook and post your testimonies with it. What an inspiring message that video brings. I can promise you that even sharing that video and your testimony can change someones life. I love you and have a great week!
Love, Elder Barber
Tanner and Deanna's baptism.
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