Sunday, April 13, 2014

The importance of member lessons 4-7-14

Dear family and friends,
                                 This has been a wonderful week out here in the Casper 5th ward! We got to teach a potential of ours Alisha and we brought Sister Lipp to fellowship her. They got a long great! It was very sad for us to hear after the lesson that Sister Lipp will soon be moving to Montana. Elder Hardman and Brother Roberts got to go back and teach Alisha the second time. She told them that an anti-Mormon preacher guy told her to stop meeting with the missionaries and get rid of the Book of Mormon. So on her way home she threw the Book of Mormon out the car window. Hopefully that was an inspired throw. She did want another copy and promised not to do that again. And she said she would like to continue meeting with us. We have been meeting a part member family Roy is a less active member and Echo is his girlfriend who lives with him. Echo is pretty solid and wants to get baptized, but Roy just needs to marry her. They don't know when they will actually get married so we will be teaching them and getting them to marriage. We have a potential named David who wants to read the Book of Mormon. It is just hard to get through the whole lesson and teach him. But we will keep trying back! We got to meet with Jeremy again last night! We had dinner with him and Stephanie at the Munger's home. It was a good lesson. We taught the Law of Chastity! So it was as good as the Law of Chastity can get. Luckily for Jeremy he is already married so no big deal. 
                                The past week we have really been shooting hard for getting members at our lessons! We set a goal for five member present lessons and we were motivated to achieve that goal! We actually did hit our goal for the week! It was a lot of member present lessons! We hope to get the members more involved in our teaching! It was amazing to see Heavenly Father help us achieve that goal. Members play such an important role in the conversion of investigators. The ideal setting would be to have the members teach and have the missionaries testify. And then have the member extend the invitation. If missionary work was to work like that all around the world we would see an amazing growth in secure converts world-wide. I can personally testify that members make the difference in this work. We are in the hastening of our Heavenly Fathers work. It was a blessing to hear modern day Prophets this past weekend. What a blessing it is to have them in our lives. I hope we can all re-watch and re-read those inspired sermons. Happy Birthday to Blake this past week! I hope you all have a wonderful week! Thank you for your prayers and support. I love you all!

Love, Elder Barber 

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