Monday, June 15, 2015

Welcome June. 6-1-15

Dear family and friends,
                      Thank you for all of your letters and support! I really do appreciate it! I have heard word about Elder L. Tom Perry. I didn't find out until Sunday. Elder Mitchell and I were up at the Sacrament table and we were having Ward Conference. When they did the sustaining of Church Officers President Olson said "as we all know L. Tom Perry passed away yesterday." Elder Mitchell and I looked at each other like "we didn't hear this yet." I guess this confirms that missionaries are 100% out of the loop on everything (including news in the church.) I am thankful for Elder Perry and his great example. I loved his strong and very bold testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ. I will never forget the multiple occasions of meeting Elder Perry. He is the only apostle I have ever met and it seemed like I ran into him everywhere. I still remember the time he held the door for me at the GAP at the Park City Outlets. I will never forget Elder L. Tom Perry. Well June has officially arrived! I am sad to see the mission ending so soon. I love Aberdeen! I am thankful to be ending my mission in this area. It is definitely helping me fulfill the vision I always had for my mission. I absolutely love the members here, and I love the work load. I have never taught this much in my mission! I also have never had this much fun with all the people I teach. We are currently teaching a lady named Cheryl. I think she has some kind of mental disability, but she is accountable enough to live on her own. Elder Mitchell and I have truly grown to love Cheryl. Ever since we began teaching her she has called me "Urban." I really don't know where she got that name from! She always says to me "Alright Urban you got the prayer, fire away!" And just to mess with Elder Mitchell I told Cheryl that his name is "Perry" and that name has stuck ever since. So now she calls us Urban and Perry. We love our visits with Cheryl she's funny. Also we had a Karen Investigator pass away. His name is Noe Noe (I may have mentioned this in the last letter.) But we got to attend his funeral this past week. I had the opportunity to say the opening prayer of the funeral. That was a hard funeral to go to for us. I wasn't amazingly close with Noe Noe but it was still hard to watch his young wife Say Htoo Paw (who is now a single mother) say her final goodbye to him. It was one of those wet eye moments for sure. But we are still visiting them and testifying strongly of the Plan of Salvation. And right now Say Htoo Paw is planning on having his work done so they can be sealed in the Bismarck Temple. I also am trying to learn a Karen tracting approach. It seems to work! Except all of the Karen people we tract into think I speak Karen. I don't know if they realize I am reading it off of my planner. So at least I can communicate to them who we are and then I ask them in Karen "can we come inside and teach you?" And usually they try to talk to me in Karen but it usually ends with them shaking their head yes or no. Well we will keep working hard out here in Aberdeen! I love you all and have a great week! 

Elder Barber

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